

You can file a complaint through several channels:

  • The easiest and fastest way is by filling in this web form. The form will be forwarded automatically, a digital receipt will be emailed (attesting the proper registration in our system), and a unique number is assigned to the report.
  • You can call our toll-free number 800 174 471, available from Monday to Saturday, from 07:00 am to 08:00 pm. You will receive a receipt via email attesting the proper registration in our system and the unique number assigned to your report.
  • You can send it via registered mail to the following address:

Cotral Spa | Customer care Via Bernardino Alimena 105 00173 Rome. In this case, you can download and use this form

Complaint form731.7KB

and use the paper form available at the stations of Porta San Paolo Metromare and the Rome-Viterbo di Flaminio.

It is possible to submit your complaint even without the paper form, as long as it contains the minimum useful processing details:

  • The personal data of the passenger (name, surname, contact details) and of any relevant representatives and, in such a case, the proxy and an identity document of the passenger must be attached;
  • The identification references of the journey made or planned (date, time of departure, origin, and destination) and a copy of the travel document. Any indication of the train number if it is known;
  • The description of the disservice suffered.
  • It is possible to submit a complaint either in Italian or in English within 90 days of the
  • date of the alleged disservice.

    The answer to the complaint will be provided within 30 days. If you do not receive any answer, you are entitled to have an automatic compensation calculated as follows:

    For a delay between 91 and 120 days, an indemnity equal to 10% of the ticket price required to cover the journey route you are complaining about. In the case of subscription, the ticket price will be calculated by dividing the monthly subscription amount for 52 trips and the price of the annual subscription for 624 trips. For a delay of more than 120 days, an indemnity equal to 20% of the ticket price required to cover the journey route you are complaining about.

    In the case of subscription, the ticket price will be calculated by dividing the price of the monthly subscription for 52 trips and the price of the annual subscription for 624 trips. No compensation is granted if the amount is less than € 4, if the complaint was submitted without the minimum pieces of information required, or if compensation was already settled for a complaint referred to the same trip.

    The compensation will be paid by bank transfer.

If you do not receive any answer within 30 days, or if the answer is unsatisfactory, you may:

  • Submit a request to the Chamber of Conciliation of the Lazio Region, established by Regional Law of 7 March 2016 n. 1, and subsequent amendments.
  • Submit a request to Concilia Web, the Web Platform for the management of disputes between users and operators of electronic communications and media services. The platform si managed by the Transport Regulation Authority (ART).
  • Submit a second complaint to the Transport Regulation Authority (ART) via the Telematic System for the Acquisition of Complaints (SiTe), available on the website www.autorita-, or by downloading the appropriate “Complaint form” from the a.m. website and sending it via mail to: Via Nizza 230, 10126 Turin, or emailing it to the legal email:

Chiamaci | Scrivici | Twitter | Instagram | Reclami | Rimborsi | Bus Sostitutivi Ferrovie

Cotral Spa Sede legale: Via B. Alimena, 105 – 00173 Roma P. Iva, CF, Registro delle Imprese di Roma: 06043731006 Capitale sociale: euro 50.000.000,00 i.v.